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Don’t Pay Your Traffic Fines Until You Read This

It’s always an unpleasant surprise to get a traffic fine in the post – even more so, if that fine gets lost in mail. Like any unpleasant task, it’s better to get it over with as soon as possible. If you suspect you may have a fine that may have gotten lost in the mail, you can make use of our Check Traffic Fines service.

Pay your fines on time and avoid jail time and unpleasant run-ins with the police.

Where Can I Pay My Fines?

Paying your fines has never been easier, especially since the introduction of online portals.

You can pay your traffic fine online on the following platforms:

If you would prefer to pay your fines offline, there are even more options to choose from:

  • South African Post Office (SAPO): hand over the original file and pay the cashier.
  • ABSA: hand over the original fine and pay a clerk, or pay via ATM
  • Pick n Pay
  • Shoprite Checkers
  • Spar
  • Boxer
  • Engen Quickstops
  • Some Woolworths Stores

What Do You Need In Order To Pay Your Fines?

  • The original receipt (if you’re paying offline)
  • The 16-digit notice number (if you’re paying online)

What Are The Different Types Of Traffic Fines?

There are two types of traffic fines you need to worry about:

  1. Section 56 Notice: This type of traffic fine is issued by a traffic officer for speeding or other traffic violations and includes a prescribed court date. The most common of these fines is, of course, the speeding fine.

  2. Section 341 Notice: This is the traffic fine that is sent out to motorists via post for violations caught on camera, or traffic tickets issued in the absence of the motorist for an expired license disk. This fine doesn’t feature a court date, but failure to pay the fine would result in a second notice. If that second notice is ignored, the motorist can expect a summons with a court date issued by the Traffic Department.

What Happens If I Don’t Pay My Traffic Fines?

If you don’t pay or dispute your traffic fine by the due date, and if you do not appear in court to present your case, a warrant for your arrest will be issued automatically, when the case goes to court.

Don’t be caught off-guard; rather keep an eye on your fines with Check Traffic Fines.

Check for any outstanding traffic violations



